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I'm more impressed with those pictures of her from Jimmy Kimmel. 24 years old and she already has a massive you know what. How many men has she had sex with to get that monstrosity? She must be really proud of herself.

My friend Behrouz on Taylor Swift:

And as for Taylor Swift, I'm with you 100%...she's so undeniably ordinary that it's just bloody mystifying why she's as popular as she is...she's like that overbearingly sad performer in our high school assemblies who would put on a shockingly awful cringe-inducing crap-athon in front of all the kids and wouldn't care that she was getting ripped apart...she's so delusional that she doesn't realize her core audience is the tween girl demographic...a target audience so unrelentingly dumb and unenlightened that they'd back anybody...enter: Taylor Swift...

That song, 'Shake it Off' is particularly annoying...that's the problem, no matter what the 'haters' say about her, she continues to torture the masses with her's like the hate is fueling the fire...but you and I are not 'haters' for the sake of it...we just know that music can be so innovative, interesting and exciting and the fact that Taylor Swift is so popular just depresses the shit out of us...let the great artists get popular for once, not the likes of Swift...

Taylor Swift is just another reason why popular music is a joke. Just another Max Martin disciple.