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Whilst I'm not sure about the practice of "disguising" the numbers in this way, what I do know is that these numbers are confidential and were asked not to be shared. Is that the right thing to do? Perhaps not. However the graph which was posted in particular is quite a clear violation of Rule 15 on this site. Read up on it if you'd like.

As Tor said however there's no well-defined rule about this, nor am I pleased with how the numbers were displayed in the first place. However a little courtesy would be appreciated for the longevity of the leaks; else soon enough we'll get nothing at all because people couldn't be discrete for a month.

So I guess it's your call, really. We've made our decision and standpoint clear, now it's up to you whether or not you wish to respect that or not.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.