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Nem said:
ktay95 said:
Nem said:

Of course, because what you play is a still image of the characters and the japanese are known to value graphics above all that. Not to mention that one is in engine and the other a FMV most probably.

Dont throw nonsense around. You beeing excited cause you care about graphics doesnt mean its the standard for everyone else. May i raise you some mechs? Problem solved.

Its as simple as this, just look at the JP sales and you will see how much Japan care for XCX compared to FFXV

1 Xenoblade Chronicles Wii 2010 Role-Playing Nintendo 0.41 0.24 0.16 0.07 0.87
1 Final Fantasy XIII PS3 2009 Role-Playing Square Enix 1.67 1.17 1.87 0.50 5.21
2 Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS3 2011 Role-Playing Square Enix 0.77 0.70 0.89 0.26 2.63
3 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII PS3 2013 Role-Playing Square Enix 0.22 0.17 0.44 0.11 0.94
4 Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster PS3 2013 Role-Playing Square Enix 0.31 0.26 0.31 0.16 1.04
5 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn PS3 2013 Role-Playing Square Enix 0.26 0.21 0.27 0.12 0.86

Its as i thought. This is turning into FF vs Xenoblade. That is not the point i brought up.

The point i brought up is that there is no way the japanese arent excited for Xenoblade X. Especially since they are about FFXV and their aestethics are similar. As in open world action combat with lots of vistas. I am a JRPG fan and i find them both extremely appealing. Having played Xenoblade i can also tell that Xenoblade X is gonna end up beeing the better game despite graphic comparisons.

Monolith Soft doesn't carry a lot of weight or good will. They don't have the following or fanbase to compare to the appeal of a mainline FF. (also, the images above are not a FMV. FF15 is that beautiful)

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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