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Intrinsic said:
walsufnir said:

You are exaggerating and generalizing a whole userbase unnecessarily and especially this is false and I don't know why you do this. There are too many examples of games showing PS4 has better hardware.

I wonder how long we will see people exaggerating over so many people who some think are in denial. Threads like this wouldn't go on for so long if some people just accepted that some will never learn, on either side.

So let me understand something...

To point out why threads like this go on for too long and why there are even so many arguments I pointed out that these aruments are because "the XB1 people" aka the people in the thread that go on to deny or dismiss the differences whil ein defence of their platform of choice. 

But yet I am exagerating or generalizing? Please look at this thread and many others like it. If you are not one of the people that deny or dismiss these things, then you don't fit into the category of "the XB1 people" that do so. Cause I never said that every single XB1 gamer is guilty of this. I just pointed out what position those that do tend to take.

PS4 vs XB1 graphic thread > there are those that agree with results > there are those that don't > those that don't are usually the XB1 (there isn't that much of a difference) people > thread drags on as more and more try to point out how they are wrong or must be blind > they resort to name calling > rinse and repeat

You now added "aka the people in the thread" which wasn't there before so it was generalizing. Explaining it now is of course welcome and nice but doesn't make the post I was referring to any better.

Either way, there are "bad" persons on both sides. The ones who don't see a difference (no matter why) and the ones who are glad to rub in facts and screenshots in their noses

Btw, it's not that easy as you want it to make it look as to some the differences are not that dramatic yet even these people get offended by the ones who like to rub. Again, there is no clear line between both bad attitudes.