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S.T.A.G.E. said:
DialgaMarine said:
Wright said:

 Actually, they couldn't. The deal to have Mincraft on a Playstation was a contract made before MS's purchase. When MS purchased Minecraft, the purchased the contract as well, and are legally obligated to hold their end of it. The same applied to Skype on Vita. 

MS could've broken the deal, bro. Rememeber when they tried to keep Mass Effect from Sony by having a contract with Bioware and then EA bought Bioware? EA chose to break the contract because the contract was not between the new owners and Microsoft, but the company they purchased, which no longer matters if Bioware no longer own their IP's.

 That contract was only temporary from the begining. I guarentee if MS still somehow owned the original ME, they would've sued the shit out of EA.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon