Blizzard phase out the entire continent of Draenor to combat server issues
The latest expansion to World of Warcraft, Warlords of Draenor, has had some major teething issues when It comes to server stability. Players have experienced long queues, disconnects and being stuck in their Garrisons shortly after launch; even my review in progress has been temporarily halted.
As Blizzard finished up a round of realm maintenances this morning, they’ve announced a big change in an effort to reduce the amount of these issues occurring. Using their phasing technology, they’ve applied it to the entire continent of Draenor.
“This will allow us to run multiple copies of Draenor simultaneously, spreading out server population” said Blizzard community manager Bashiok.
The Foreseer's Contract Dota 2 update sets the stage for a new hero: the Oracle
A new update is on the horizon for Dota 2, and while it doesn’t promise anything concrete yet, it’s left some pretty damning evidence of a new hero coming to the game. The Oracle is a brand new hero to Dota 2; being not from the original hero roster used back in the original Warcraft III mod.
Also hinted was the new Phantom Assassin Arcana, that was voted for by the community at this year’s Dota 2 International.
You can now eat people in DayZ, but you might go slightly mad
Would you eat another human being if you were in a zombie apocalypse? Zombie simulator, DayZ, now poses that question to its players. But the community was worried that this new feature might further promote the “kill on sight” mentality of DayZ.
The developers though are already working on that, by putting in some rather alarming consequences.
While eating cooked human flesh doesn’t have any adverse side effects (yet), eating it raw can give you a brain disease called “Kuru” (yep it's a real disease). Symptoms include uncontrollable laughing, crying, shaking and eventually, death.
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