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Nem said:
BraLoD said:
Nem said:

Mario kart also has the grey of the road and the brown of the dirt. But then it has so much more aswell.

Look at the screenshot in the last page. Theres also red, blue, white and alot more colourful shades of colors. Everything on those games is dark grey and brown, even the green of the trees. Realistic? Definitly! More appealing or impressive design wise? No, its as boring as it can be. Its alot more impressive to see a new world created from scratch than a rip from real life.

Why is it boring? DC seems as amazing as it can, it looks incredibly beautiful, the scenarios are outstanding, the cars also look amazing, it's all in total another level compared to MK8, really.

Art can be subjective, you can find one thing and another person something totally different, but there's no denying which is the game that looks better here.

Squared mountains, circle trees, low definition chars, vehicles, etc (we can easily see the edges from everything that try to be angular), poor lightning and shadows and that's go on...

The road actually looks like it's not a carpet, the trees look real, cars are beautiful, lightning is great, etc.

There's not even a comparision to be made here.

MK8 can have a fantasy look, but that's not even close to making it "look better" than DC.

Yes, we know that on a technical level Forza has more polygons and higher definition textures, but graphics are more than that. Good graphics are a feast on the eyes, not a feast on the numbers. Mario Kart 8 definitly achieves this in a more sucessful way. Especially at 60 FPS. It makes all the difference.

According to you any cartoony game automatically looks better than a realistic game. Maybe you dislike reality then.

Driveclub barely has any grey in it, I have actually PLAYED it myself (I had bought it at launch) and it looks like a beautiful depiction of reality. Your just taking sides with MK8 here cuz its a Nintendo game.