Fusioncode said:
soony_xbone_U said:
Fusioncode said:
jlmurph2 said:
That's what happens when people worldwide can buy them from the US store and get a code
I think that's the 7th time I've seen you post that. Is it that hard to believe the PSN cards are popular because there's a lot of great digital titles on there?
Yes, because u can have a look at Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.de None in top 100 for UK. And Germany it's: #1 20€ #9 10€ #19 5€ #21 15€ #22 35€ #29 25€
compared to US: #1 20$ #2 10$ #3 50$ #40 100$
So nowhere near as dominant as in the US. If u go all digital, u probably go all Us digital buys. Becaus its cheaper for everyone from UK and Europe
And that's the only reason they're selling well?
Ofc not. That's the reason, why they dominate the chart all the year for the top 3 spots.
They're selling well because of other reasons, too. Many good digitial games and some go all digital ;)