♪ A Break Down Analysis to why Both Games Combined Can Reach, if not get close to 10mil Shipped+Digital ♪
★ [UPDATE #1] ★
Ok First off, lets begin with... What exactly do we know of 100%! 3DS Sales. We have Concrete #s for US+Japan including digital sales so lets begin there.
~Japan has sold a total of 1.701mil units at retail (Media Create) as of Nov 8th (9 weeks to do this btw). As of Oct 26th Nintendo reported 1.88mil total sales based on Digital and MC tracking, thus the 232k number is from (232k is digital). Putting both together the SSB 3ds game has sold 1.93mil units (without adding the last 2 small weeks of digital).
~US we have official numbers from NPD. 705k sold (135k being digital) for Sept or first 2 days following Oct which is now over 1.2mil including digital sold (so first 30 days practically). Reggie mention about 20% is digital so breakdown in the US is around [Retail:960k] + [Digital: 240k]
So we have currently...
Retail Only ~ Total ~ Region+Date
1.701mil ⇒ 1.93mil: Japan (Nov 8th)
905k ⇒ 1.20mil: US (Nov 1st)
2.606mil ⇒ 3.13mil: Total