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Well since our government is going broke, and that is part of the reason for the financial crunch today, he makes a point. I agree that we took Sadaam out and the world is better for it, and that we did it for the right reasons at the time. But Bush and his entire administration never seemed to have a good strategy for after we took Sadaam out.

I do not agree with Carl Levin nearly any other time, but he never called for Iraq to pay us back. All he said was they should get their act together (that is a laugh though since the US can't get its act together either...) and pay for their own military operations and reconstruction.

The main reason Savage calls for this is simply because America's dollar is crap, and why? We are broke, so far in debt that we are on our N'th mortgage on the future of our country. Why shouldn't they take over the cost of the reconstruction and military operations and possibly pay us their security. I mean we are acting in the role of bodyguard/babysitter now. We did the right thing taking him out, but now we are not in a position to pay for anything.

All this and Bush proposed a 3 TRILLION dollar federal budget!!! This article is not meant as a shot against the Iraq war, but against the excess of the Federal Government. They spend so much that we are taxed out the ears and we are wondering why we are headed for a recession.... Everything is tied together in some way.