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Chrizum said:
DMeisterJ said:
Chrizum said:
DMeisterJ said:
You probably shouldn't buy consoles second-hand in the future. As you won't be able to prove original purchase date, etc.

I don't like second-hand consoles too, but Nintendo and Microsoft (and all other electronics manufacturers for that matter) don't use receipts for repairs, but serial numbers. I guess Sony likes its costumers angry and frustrated.

I will try the system restore option (first making some backups) and if that doesn't work, I'll call Sony. Who knows, maybe they'll repair it for free after all...

I still don't get this thread.

You bought something, second-hand, and you expect the manufacturer to replace/fix it, for free, when god only knows what the first owner of the system did to it.

Maybe you shouldn't have tried to be frugal and bought a new one.

Can't you read? ALL companies don't give a rat's ass about receipts, it's the serial code that counts. I didn't know Sony was so anal about receipts.

besides how many people here would buy my used 60 gig launch PS3 over a new 40 gig balless one???

I hear a lot of people want the original with the emotion chip set!

obviously you probably got a good deal used so if they do charge to fix it it would probably run around $149.95 just call and let us know!