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Ljink96 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
This probably explains why Nintendo have such issues with third party.

Exactly but it's kinda 3rd parties having an issue with Nintendo right now.  They don't have enough power to make games that play like movies.

 Back when Nintendo had power and there wasnt formidable competition Nintendo had all of the power and had to live within Nintendo's rules. Once competition game and stepped up the game with rivaling formats Nintendo became a non issue. Its not about the gameplaying like a movie, but rather what the games creators imagined it to be. Sometimes peoples ideas go beyond what Nintendo deems to be adequate hardware. The west and the east are today proving how far behind Nintendo has always been in that respect.

Think of it this way....

In capitalist competiton companies must work to impress the people with price, value and numerous of other qualities to maximize their sales potential and audience. If a company has a monopoly will they listen to the people? Chances are high that they wont because lack of competition compels them not to do anything. This is Nintendo and for better or worse their attitude has not changed. If third parties work with them...they must be beneath them. Hell...they  still would've had Rare as well.

Third parties are like the sea of people who run things now. There are a wealth of them who can choose who they want to work with now because the competition is split between four platforms. Nintendo has to learn to adapt.

Miyamoto might want to get away from movies and media, but his games (and disney's fleet) were inspired by the likes of Popeye, and Disney, so in essence he's full of shit. His issue is a generational one, which quickly needs to be remedied as hes and Nintendo have forced their loyal following Nintendo between a rock and a hard place to shop twice for their favorite third party and first party. Think about it. Sony and Microsoft gamers who like the respective company's first party can be content with one console. With Nintendo for outsiders not loyal, they've forced themselves to secondary position because of it.