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RolStoppable said:
FatedReality said:
@Arkaign Why do you feel the Cardinals are the wort 7-1 team? They've lost only one game and that was when they had there backup QB in. They've only had 2 close games all season, all the other games have been won by a TD or more. The Cardinals have a great defense, great passing game when Carson Plamer is QB, and a top 10 RB to keep the offense moving. At this point in the season they seem to be the best team in the NFC.

Don't forget that he also said "at least this year for sure". Of course, the Cardinals are the only 7-1 team in the league, so based on that alone they are the worst. You could also call them the best though.

Anyway, I think his opinion comes down to the Cardinals kicking Cowboys butts last weekend.

Probably , the Cardinals held the Cowboys to 1 TD and that was in garbage time. I shouldn't be talking though my team is trash right now too XP.

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