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hi all,

I thought gap between PS3 - Xbox360 consoles was really important  as you can see here :

 from VGC, addition of weekly sales of May :

Xbox360 : 241 000

PS3 : 84 000 (3 fold difference)

But If I refer to this (good/no-biased) french site (stats from NPD i think) :

 Xbox360 : 156 000

PS3 : 81 000 (2 fold) 

And I saw in the commentary that I was not the only one to wonder about sales comparaison between NPD and VGC.

What is the problem about Xbox360 sales ?

I thought the only problem was PAL sales but it seems that there are some problems to report sales from NA ? 

Just a question to better understand these type of sales report.

Time to Work !