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the 360 has already the best shooters there are

Halo 3, The Orange Box, Gears of War, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4
that's an amazing shoorter line-up
Gears of War 2 will probably deserve a place amongst them

Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo
are a differenty story, they are the biggest franchises of their genre

(not counting MGS vs Zelda, FF/Pokemon, GT/Mario Kart
funny actually now i see this, Nintendo has match-ups that are somehow genre related, but real Nintendoish lol)

those games have made genres and are if you like it or not
the next installments of series that have helped create gaming

so you end with

Big games sell systems, no matter how many people you think already own them.

and that's completely right
and the reason why MGS, FFXIII and Gran Tursimo 5 are so needed by Sony
cause they are not just another title on the list
and are certainly not in genres that have already delevoped well this generation, like the shooter genre

in other words
it's diversity in which the most succesfull consoles have succeeded

and don't get me wrong
the 360 library is still certainly superior to that of the PS3 and more diverse
but these three titles are what Sony needs to try shifting the balance back to the Playstation
