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trashleg said:
NiKKoM said:

Yeah.. You get a slap from me.. Girl gets dumped, Mr Kahn talks about himself.. Give trashleg a hug!

Oh NikkoM... *hugs*

Khan, treat that girl to a god damn coffee for if not for your own reasons then for my sake, please. (hehe, imagine that conversation.. "why were you so persistent?" "I HAD TO MAKE TRASHLEG BELIEVE IN LOVE AGAIN")

Seriously. You were SITTING NEXT TO HER. LIKE RIGHT NEXT TO HER. Sorrynotsorry for caps but cmooonnnnnnn. Either do this, or don't do this. But for fuck sake don't let her keep you hanging by a thread week after week. Have some damn respect for yourself and either make a move or don't. Kirby's gonna be married, divorced and sued for alimony by the time you get your coffee date. Grad school is hard, I know this. But COFFEE IS COFFEE. WAFFLES ARE GREATER THAN COFFEE BUT COFFEE IS SUFFICIENT. 

You're running the risk of this casual coffee becoming some great thing in your life, that she's just gonna see as coffee (unless it includes waffles). Suck it up, buttercup. Next time you're sitting beside her write a text that says "coffee. when?" and show it to her under the desk (hey hey hey). Put her on the spot.  DO IT.

You should listen to Trashleg. She knows what she's talking about!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.