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It's a great game as I mentioned in another thread -- but it's a pretty damn weird game, lol.

Bayonetta is never going to be something that appeals hugely to the mainstream gamer. It's too out there and bizarre that the average COD-Madden loving gamer is going to be baffled by it in many cases I think.

It's a hardcore (a real hardcore game), otaku-lovers dream. Combined with the Wii U not having the biggest userbase and generally being fixated on colorful mascot-based Nintendo IP ... I'd say that number if true is OK all things considered.

Nintendo should go ahead and greenlight Bayonetta 3. If Fusion (the next Nintendo platform?) has a userbase of 60-70 million at the end (and I'm being conservative) combined they should be able to double B2's sales at least. And they could re-release Bayo 1 + 2 on that system too for extra sales.