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Gears of War 2 might not do much for the 360
I think that anyone who wants GoW2 has already got a 360
and is already playing GoW, Halo 3 and CoD4 on it..

whereas Metal Gear en Final Fantasy XIII will have more appeal on gamers of other genres and not expand the PS3 library vertically, but horizontally

a steady flow of good games is the most important
but the PS3 will be getting the biggest Franchises in differnt genres the coming year, one and a half year, with

Metal Gear Solid (tactical-adventure)
Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII (rpg/action)
Gran Trusimo (racing)

Mircosoft must be happy that they are getting Resident Evil 5 on the 360
cause if not, it would have been a major blow game-wise


GoW2 is much more food for the userbase
than it is genre-breaking
as those mentioned PS3 games will be
