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So it outsold in a few weeks what The Wonderful 101, which has scored 100K sales this year it seems, it tanked in Japan so hard, but still it has managed to sell 50K units as of today, 25K this year. My guess is that Bayonetta will make a similar quantity, 30K-40K next year in Japan.

In UK the game flopped so hard... that's why it has only 5K for its favor, Bayonetta 2 is in a similar situation right now, but still I think it will make 8-10K next year.

So that's for the countries where the game has vanished for the scene.

Now, in the United States it actually debuted much better than other Wii U releases like Tropical Freeze and Pikmin 3. We need to know if the game is going to have legs in the States, at least in the level of the games previosly mentioned.

After its first week, Pikmin 3 went from 100K copies to 20K, I'm expecting it wil happen something similar to Bayonetta 2 next week. Still, Pikmin 3 managed to seell 270K copies in the States in 2013, thanks to the holiday season. It's hard to say if Bayonetta 2 will be able to sell even 200K copies by the end of the year in North America, so I'm kinda worried by this aspect.

In 2014, Pikmin 3 has sold 45K copies, about the same I'm expecting for Bayo 2.

So in any case, I'm expecting Bayonetta will sell 150K copies by the end of the year and at least 70K next year. This would mean 470K, which is not good, I think.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first.