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contestgamer said:
Nem said:

It should say as an "atractive woman in tight clothes". I'm pretty sure not every women gets that treatment and probably wish they would.

I think some of them were creeps, but most were just saying hi. That is not harassement. Its beeing nice. Even if it has a sexual motivation, doesnt mean you can't be nice back.

Imagine if she was in a muslim country. The comments would be something like "whore, harlot, stone her to death". This just reiterates my opinion that women do not want equal treatment, they want special treatment. This is quite honestly ridiculous. I wouldnt mind if women went around and said nice things when i walk in the street. I most certainly wouldnt be offended and would probably be nice back.

That's the male perspective. Most of my girlefriends do get cat called and more, even ones that would be considered fairly average appearance wise. It happens to most women. Most women I know hate it, because they feel that it sexualizes them (imo rightly so). It also makes it much more difficult for women to date men or even have conversations with them, because our experiences inform us that most things men do are motivated by sex somewhere down the line and not genuine interest. Obviously this isn't always true, but even some of the more inoccous experiences such as the ones in the video do inform us negatively about men which is a lose-lose for everyone, men and women alike.

What you are saying is that they dont want equal treatment, they want special treatment. I dont see how that is reasonable.  I think the real problem here is in themselves. They feel vulnerable by it. While men choose to be empowered by it. Is the only way to satisfy women, to completely shut off men when the problem is within themselves? Again i dont see how that is a reasonable demand.

I am all for equality and i support it, but this isnt equality, its special treatment, and that i cannot agree with. And lets not forget that this was an atractive woman in tight clothes walking on a ghetto area. You can't tell me this wasnt premeditated.

Give money to this? When there are children dying of hunger, when there are serious illnesses plaguing many people. I personally have a disease that cant be cured. It doesnt stop me from living, but it sure impairs me more than this does to women. No, this is not righteous in any way. Its quite arrogant actually.