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RolStoppable said:
FatedReality said:
Sanchez isn't good, but I think he will do just fine with the Eagles. Fole's threw at least one interception every game and they still managed to win most of their games. If Sanchez throws for a lot of yards (Its a Chip Kelley offense so he will) like Fole's did the Eagles should be OK. However this basically kills any playoff hopes for the Eagle's because I cant see Sanchez having a surge through the high pressure games if they do get there.

Eagle's fans should be more worried about what will happen next year. Fole's injury seems pretty serious and will probably linger around for awhile sense it directly effects his throwing. If Sanchez turns out to be a complete dud the Eagle's could be in trouble the next few years with no QB.

Foles is left-handed? I can't say I ever paid any attention to that.

Also, the guys of constantly talk about how Foles' box score makes him seem much better than he really is. But likewise, I don't have much of an opinion on it, because I hardly watched the Eagles play over the last two years.

I'm not sure whether Foles is left or right handed I just figured a broken collarbone would affect his throwing either way XP.

I agree that Foles is overrated. He misses a lot of open receivers and throws quite a few intercpetions, but he makes the long throws so his numbers look great on paper. However, Foles is young and has a lot of time to correct his mistakes and become a great QB. Sanchez... is Sanchez. He will probably play well for a few weeks as teams take time adjusting to how Chip Kelley will use him, but he's not the future of the Eagles (IMO). Foles is someone I can see improving in the next few years and become a strong franchise QB. While Sanchez will probably be the same average QB that makes silly mistakes people love to laugh about (who could forget the butt fumble XD). 

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