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I turn 7 today... at least for here. It's been incredibly long.

On this website 7 years ago:

- My favorite users were ilikebacon and NintendoFanGirl

- leo-j made threads defending the PS3 to death, as well as asking if we were virgins and to show our true faces

- The background was blue and had a lot less ads

- The Wii was dominating and about to release Super Mario Galaxy (the first one!)

- stof was a mod, and he was the only one to ban me

In my life 7 years ago:

-Entered 8th grade, still haven't discovered soap yet *shudders*

-All of my friends and I played Super Smash Melee on a regular basis and were hyped for Brawl

-Labeled myself as "Neo-conservative" because I had no idea what different branches of political beliefs meant

-Had a creepy mexican moustache because I didn't realize I needed to shave


How I have changed since then:

-The way I engage VGChartz is both smarter (more thought-out answers) and dumber (the threads I usually go to are dumber in nature)

-How I interact with members is a lot different in that I no longer feel a need to seek approval. I do my own thing now

-Overall political beliefs and religious beliefs are in the same category but somehow drastically different

-Taller, hairier, sexier


So what do you remember from 7 years ago on here?