badgenome on 04 November 2014
Dark Odin said: wow, i´m back! looking at the ranking right now... number 17. I was expecting be out of top 30 (or out of the league... not one post in months, sorry guys). my trophy whoring has really slowed this year since FF XIV and especiallly since last september with PS4. 7 platinums this whole year. this is what I did in a slow month in the past hehe - BF3, lords of shadows 2 on PS3 and batman and FF X - i love this game, really wish the ps3 version had a separated list - on PSvita. the trophy whoriness is still here, like, my first 3 platinuns in PS4 are in different versions of sound shapes (shame on me). right now I´ve been playing Ps4. infamous second son (good game, but really, it´s the same game with really good graphics... anything new here) and addicted to destiny, despite that yes, it´s just an ok game. platinum in infamous will come in some time. and in destiny... well, it´ll take a while. on my vacation I hope be back playing FF XIV, so I don´t see me crossing 10 platinums this year. and for the sake of traditions: thanks for the update arcturus ^^ |
Welcome back!
How is Lords of Shadow 2, by the way? I really liked the first one, but between the mixed reviews and too many other games I haven't gotten around to LoS 2 yet.