This video pisses me off on so many levels. Saying hi is harassment? Since when? Oh but I bet if some guy looking like Chris Hemworth (Thor) approached her, it wouldn't be sexual harassment huh? Because she'll be welcoming it? Plz...
She is wearing skin tight jeans, don't care if they are black. Those are MADE to get attention from the opposite sex. A guy doesn't wear a muscle shirt if he don't want people to check out his muscles right? Everytime my homegirls don't want attention from guys they wear loose pants or sweats.
I admit the guy trying to follow her and the guy asking for her number is too much... but walking for 10 hours in NYC and you are bound to attract jerks. As a matter of fact, big ups to my fellow NYCers there wasn't more examples of guys REALLY harassing her like those two. Also, most far less attractive women would kill of this sort of attention.
And for the record NYC is a rude place to begin with and those guys were acting surprisingly nice. If a guy sees a good looking girl, especially on a rough day that would usually cheer the guy up (the nature of man ) and a guy saying your beautiful and wishing you a good day is just saying "thank you" and trying to return the favor. This is coming from a city where if you sneeze in public, NOBODY for BLOCKS would say "God Bless You", or where if I say hi to some random guy in the street they'll say "What you sayin hi to me for? I don't know you!" (happened to me NUMEROUS times)....