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So... where do I start with this? Hmm... well these thoughts will probably be kinda scattered:

I think 99% of the time anybody asks "How are you," they probably don't really want a list of all your problems.This is the problem you're identifying, especially when it happens among/between Christians. I would agree that this even becomes a habit among Christians. It is indeed viewed as a greeting.

But I think a big reason this deeper conversation doesn't happen is people don't like to appear weak or vulnerable. I know I don't like to appear weak or vulnerable. If it's with someone I'm really close with, I'm way more likely to tell them what's really on my mind. I'm just not all that comfortable with sharing my struggles with people I don't know very well. Whether or not you want them to, and whether or not they should, people often judge others. I'm not entirely sure why I'm not comfortable exposing myself to others, part of it is probably just my personality, but at least some of it is probably fear of being judged by others. Judging people can happen almost subconsciously.

I like what you're saying and I wish I could say that I'm completely onboard, but... I don't know, it seems a bit too idealistic. Yeah I can try and get people to share their worries so that I can try to help, but a lot of people just don't like to open up, myself included.

Something that's on my mind:
I used to feel that I was on really good terms with God. Now I feel a little distant. I know I need to work on my praying. I don't do it nearly as often as I wish I did, and I don't pray for others nearly as often as I wish I did. It's like there was the "honeymoon phase" of Christianity and then it just kind of stopped and I don't feel as Christian as I used to.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash