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I saw that 360 is near losing first place in US too Wii and second place in Europe too PS3. Microsoft have lowered the price in Europe by alot and it have helped sales but still PS3 is outselling it they have only slowed down the PS3. They have not yet made price cut in US but they probably dont want to do it before they see GTA IV effect either way they have to do it soon. Wierd enough PS3 have utsold 360 in US for the latest months.

Nintendo are hoping to surpass 360 in US in June and Sony is hoping to do it in Europe this summer.

I believe that both will eventually surpass 360 but it might be little harder for Nintendo to do it this June with GTAIV but Nintendo also got big games like Wiifit and Mario Kart. Like usual it depends how much they ship but I am not that optimistic. But they will both definitley surpass 360 this summer. (June-September)

Prediction time folks when do you think they are going to surpass 360.(If they ever will).

Reggie "The Wii will surpass the Xbox 360 in total U.S. sales by June"

David Reeves is predicting that PS3 is going to surpass 360 in Europe by summer.