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Phendrana said:
DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
Why do Wii owners always want every game to come to Nintendo's console?

Can't we let the 360 and PS3 have some games? If you want to play RE5, go buy another friggin' console.


I feel exactly the same way.

1. Not everyone can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on an HD console to play one game.

2. Not everyone has an entertainment setup that takes advantage of an HD console.

3. Some people would rather play a version with better controls than a version with better graphics.

4. It's a multi-platform release. Why shouldn't the Wii get a version (if it's economically and technically possible)? For example, if they announced Kingdom Hearts 3 for the Wii and 360, there would be people wanting a PS3 version as well.

5. All the other main REs have been put on Nintendo consoles, as well as a few exclusives. RE fans who own the Wii don't want to miss out on the 5th game.

6. Gamers always want a diverse library of games for their console of choice. RE5 will be a good game. Wii owners don't want the Wii to be left out.


1. then don't play it if it isn't worth "hundreds of dollars to play one game". nice straw man argument by the way.

2. you don't need an "entertainment setup" to enjoy HD games.

3. while some people definately prefer wii controls, don't act like that encompasses everyone. I'm sure resident evil 5 will control just fine with dual analog controls.

4. Why isn't Call of Duty 4, Devil May Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Assassin's Creed on the Wii? The vast majority of high profile X360/PS3 games do not end up on the Wii, period. And if they do, it's most likely out for PS2 as well.

5. There is the potential with for games you want to go to a system you don't own. this is part of gaming and unless you shell out money for all 3 this is bound to happen eventually. If it's that important, find someone with a x360 or ps3.

6. I'd say Wii has a very diverse library (if you take into account VC games). This isn't that big of a deal considering in all likeliness there will be another RE game exclusively for Wii.


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