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Ka-pi96 said:
JakDaSnack said:
Honestly, I thought this was a joke, but apparently people are taking this seriously.

The problem? The Criteria. which basically boils down to *must-have-games* Obviously these are objective, but some obvious ones that should not be on this list are remakes, indies and multiplats (TLOU, minecraft, rayman shovel night etc.) and once you do that, the PS4 library gets very small and uninteresting, the xbox one library becomes "ok" but the wiiU library still looks really good. And that is why I personally feel that the wiiU has the best library of games coming into the holiday season.

Remakes and indies I can understand, but why the hate for multiplats? They are an important part of the games library and are one of the best system sellers there is.

PC gamers tend to eye the exclusives of consoles because multiplats( on the western) end generally hit the PC anyway. Exclusives that impress them are what they are usually what they are eyeing pertaining to consoles. Generally either what they cannot what they cannot attain or what the console makers make themselves.