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LudicrousSpeed said:
If I were someone who did not already own a next gen console I would rank the libraries as follows:

1. Xbone
2. PS4
3. Wii U

Nintendo puts out some amazing exclusives but just cannot compete with the combination of MicroSony exclusive PLUS the third party stuff.

Since I own two of the three next gen consoles though, the libraries look like this to me:

1. Xbone
2. Wii U
3. PS4

There is nothing on PS4 I cannot play on my Xbone, PS3, or PC. And I am not opposed to actually buying a console for a killer game even if its available on PC or previous gen. I bought an Xbone for Titanfall. I would love to have an excuse to jump into Playstation next gen but Sony hasn't done shit to convert me, regardless of how great VelocityX2 or Last of Us HD scored with critics.

This gap between Xbone/WiiU and PS4 libraries will only get exponentially greater this holiday season for me personally. And with The Order looking more like The Boreder, I'm hoping Sony has some nice tricks up their sleeves.

I respect everythiung you had to say and see nothing wrong with it except for one thing(the bolded/underlined etc statement). That is 100% false.....everything else no issues with at all.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23