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fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:

The original post I replied to was about Shin'en "not doing anything special with the hardware", which just isn't true as they pushed the boundaries of almost every system they've worked on.

I thought you said recent work matters most? It's a long time since Chaos Theory, and I very much doubt AC Rogue and The Division will outdo the likes of the Uncharted games, God of War Ascension, Drive Club, Shadow Fall, etc technologically.

Recent work does matter the most but I was only using older games as an example as being technical leaders ... 

I'm not expecting it to outdo other games, I'm just expecting those titles to be technical leaders! I seriously hope your joking about The Dvision ...

This game is next gen in every category from the lighting, textures, animations, details and especially the physics! 

I am skeptical; it's Ubisoft, they're the king of downgrades these days. Look what happened to Watchdogs. It's hard for me to trust them.