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fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:

The "rest of the industry" isn't doing the same as them though. Nobody matched their work on Wii. Very few can rival their work on GBA, DS, 3DS, Wii U.

How many other devs set technical standards on 5 systems that hold to this day? Not that many, I reckon.

What platforms they worked on doesn't matter and the amount means little ... 

EA DICE, Criterion Games, Codemasters, Ubisoft, and the guys at Eidos have all pushed more platforms than what Shin'en did while also offering technical innovations for the industry too ...

Actually it matters a lot, being able to surpass pretty much everyone else on 5 systems means outperforming a lot of other devs.

And please stop trying to change the subject. Industry-wide innovation is irrelevent. We're talking about pushing the technical boundaries of specific hardware. And Ubisoft, seriously? What systems are they at the leading edge on?