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Lords of the Fallen – Day-One Patch Detailed, Fixes Numerous Bugs, Brings Graphical Improvements

Lords of the Fallen releases today and CI Games has revealed the changelog for the day-one update that gamers will have to download. This update is 5GB in size and comes with lots of bug fixes. In addition, this update improves LODs, brings general lighting, animation, and visual effects improvements, and reduces visual glitches. As always, this update will be auto-downloaded from Steam and you can view the complete changelog below. Continue reading


Lords of the Fallen – NVIDIA GameWorks Tech Features Demonstrated

NVIDIA has just released a new video for Lords of the Fallen, showcasing the NVIDIA GameWorks features that are featured in it. Lords of the Fallen supports PhysX Particles, PhysX Cloth and PhysX Turbulence. And as the green team noted, the game’s primary platform of development was the PC. Lords of the Fallen releases today. Enjoy! Continue reading

Syberia 3 – First Two Characters, Ayawaska & Simon Steiner, Revealed

Microid revealed today the first two symbolic figures of this third episode of its Syberia series.  Players will come across old acquaintances from ” Syberia ” 1 and 2, but also new protagonists always ready to help or, on the contrary, to slow down or definitively stop their progression. Continue reading

Dying Light – Now Coming Exclusively To Current-Gen Platforms, “Old-Gen Couldn’t Run The Game”

Techland today announced that Dying Light, the first-person zombie action survival game, will be released for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, while development on the previously announced Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions has now ceased. Continue reading

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