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Ka-pi96 said:
arcane_chaos said:
why not include sales after 2000? I know you're comparing since Xbox release but isn't it a little disservice to nintendo who's been around before 2000

I think the point of this is to show that Microsoft is catching up with Nintendo's lifetime sales. Showing their full lifetime sales wouldn't show that so you show a comparable period. It basically shows that if they both continue to sell at their current rate then Microsoft will be eventually overtake.

No, it doesn't show anything. Even if you only count this century, MS edged out Nintendo with the Xbox-GC generation, then took an ass whippin' after that, and is a this point is neck-and-neck for this gen, not since 2000. What does that prove? Only that you can't predict what will happen from one generation to the next, i.e. this thread is beyond pointless.