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This is a complicated question, but I'll do my best: 

Religion: Christian; Disciples of Christ denomination

Earth age: Old earth, as in ~4.5 billion years

Evolution or Creationism: This isn't really a ditchotomy. There are at least six models of creation: Naturalistic Evolution, Nonteleogical Evolution, Planned Evolution, Directed Evolution, Old-Earth Creation, and. Young-Earth Creation. The model of creation I believe in is called Directed Evolution. This is an exerpt from a book I read:

Directed evolution: God not only brought the universe into being but continues to act on it, to bring about his plans. Science and religion are viewed as interacting domains of knowledge. They overlap. 

1. God has a predetermined purpose for the world, and the Bible shows that he intervenes in the natural world as necessary to accomplish that plan

2. Miracles are recorded in the Bible to show that God intervenes occasionally in redemptive history, so it is reasonable to think the same might be true for natural history.

3. Since we see a large number of low-probability evens that seem to be directed towards a goal, these would be best explained as interventions. 

UFOs: I find it very likely that aliens exist elsewhere in the universe. Perhaps they have visited us. I've never seen a UFO, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in them. As they say, seeing is believing. And I want to believe. It would be an extraordinary experience to meet an extraterrestrial. 

Ghosts: Yes, I believe in ghosts, I think. I suppose there are good/neutral ghosts as well as bad ghosts. But I couldn't tell you how ghosts are created or why they are there. 

Bible prophecy: Not quite sure what this is asking. I believe in Jesus if that's what you mean. I don't think every prophecy in the Bible will come true. But I believe many of the prophecies in the Bible have come true. I guess I'm kind of indifferent to Bible prophecies. 

Dinosaurs: They are real, and they died 65 million years ago. Pretty sure science has this in the bag. 

Bonus: Adam and Eve: Not real people. I believe that in the Bible they are used as symbols of humanity. 

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash