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tbone51 said:
bubblegamer said:
Tlozjb said:
It is thanks to Zelda, if it were just a Dynasty Warriors game on Wii U, it wouldn't be doing those numbers, but it is something, and atleast shows the game has been well received, in that time.

Correct and that is why this is a flawed comparison.

No its not a flawed comparison, i didnt hear this excuse with OP DW.

Also same can be said with HW in japan, we were all comparing it with all the DW games there right? Bt then this one doesn't count? :-/

I think thats flawed, im not saying LoZ didn't help, cuz i be lying. I get what both of you are saying but it doesn't change the fact its a DW game. Like OP was the #1 DW game last gen.

When comparing HW in Japan, the comparison works because Zelda and DW are pretty equal in popuarlity (Zelda actually sells better than DW in Japan, but it's close enough).

I don't completely agree that your comparison is bad, but it makes much more sense in Japan where the IPs are comparable whereas that's not the case in the West.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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