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A Chat About Banner Saga-Powered Roguelike Bedlam

By Alec Meer on October 16th, 2014 at 8:00 pm.

A couple of weeks ago, a roguelike which uses the Banner Saga engine to create a rather attractive post-apocalyptic cocktail of FTL, The Oregon Trail and XCOM popped up on Kickstarter. Bedlam’s around $90k into its $130k goal, with just eight days left on the clock. I’ve had a chat with the devs, who include veterans of Darksiders studio Vigil, about what they’re aiming for with the game, what the Banner Saga engine enables them to do, what they’ve changed about it, and the 80s/90s comics visual influences for this game of desert bandits and desert death-buses. Also – what about that other game called Bedlam?
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Interview: Steve Sinclair On Warframe’s Archwing Update

By Philippa Warr on October 16th, 2014 at 5:00 pm.

When I last played Warframe it was very much a vanilla space ninjas game. Just over a year later and there are still space ninjas but they sit alongside extras like tradeable space puppies. The player activity has been extensive too – there are user-created clan dojos so big the developers have had to add teleport functions to the game to make them navigable. As I write this it’s at number ten in the Steam top games list with 16,382 people playing right now. It’s also about to get wings.

In Warframe you play as one of the Tenno, an ancient warrior race who must don exo-armour (the titular warframes) to fight militarised clones called the Grineer. In the latest update, Archwing, players will be able to use new augments to allow their warframes to fly and fight in the vacuum of space. To find out how the Archwing update will work I spoke to Steve Sinclair – creative director of Warframe developer Digital Extremes.

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Inside Out, Round And Round: InnerSpace

By Graham Smith on October 16th, 2014 at 4:00 pm.

I love exploring walking simulators, but I often yearn for movement systems more interesting than placing one foot in front of the other. InnerSpace‘s “exploration-heavy flying” might satisfy. It’s set inside an inverted planet, where gravity causes objects to fall away from its center and you’re consequently surrounded by a bubble of water. Watch the soft hues of the trailer below.

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