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eFKac said:
Mummelmann said:
celador said:

Nasdaq practically reporting Pachter's prediction as true

If it did turn out that the One was on top for September; maybe the "undertracked!!!" crowd would settle down a little bit for a while. I wouldn't mind, actually.

Oops, more fuel for the "undertracked!!!" crowd.

Your prediction of Xbone being on top in the US seems more and more unlikely with each passing month.

Indeed, the multiplats seem to have a much stronger effect for the PS4 than the One, but the difference is a lot smaller in the US and we're only a year or so into the competition. I still think the One has a shot if MS play their cards right. Let's not forget the many turnarounds and comebacks of the 7th gen; the market does not exist in a solid state, it is very much a fluid one.

Do we have the Xbox numbers for September yet? Soooo many pages to go through...

Anyway; Pachter seems to have been way off, a lot more than usual, this is downright shameful for him.