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Teeqoz said:
Aerys said:
Teeqoz said:
Aerys said:
When you see 360 Titanfall sales ( ), PS4 +Destiny have to be undertracked by at least 100k, and the second week will be between 150-200k

I predict 600-700k npd

No way. Amazon isn't that reliable when it comes to hard sales figures, and do you seriously expect the PS4 with Destiny to do better in the US than the Xbox 360 did when Halo 3 launched (~570k iirc).


Well Amazon is pretty reliable since the beginning of the generation, ok not so much on software but on hardware, they were never wrong. So i think it's safe to say PS4 is undertracked by a good amount

Yes, why not, it's very likely, 360 sold only 123k in the US during Halo 3 FW, then 130k second week, then 130k, then 110k ( but it was mostly october month so more releases to help) based on VGC

Yeah, it's not reliable for software, yet you're using it to say that it outsold Titanfall on 360 (which is, you know, software).


No, it's not likely at all, the 360 was dominating the US far more than the PS4 is now, and it got it's probably most notable exclusive of the gen, in the market were Halo is the very strongest, yet it didn't sell more than 528k (NPD), but you expect the PS4 to beat by 70-170k? Really?

Not by that much it seems, but by 10k, big achievement

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m