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Dark_Feanor said:
Ninsect said:

I would explain it with 300k+ Destiny PS4 bundles being sold but not counted vs. MS giving the game away for free with new consoles for a week. It doesn't tell us anything about MS sales.

Oh, and please would you give up the "Neogaf leakers are not trustworthy" narrative. You look silly to pretty much everyone.

How could I lost, just becouse you grab the ball and run crying "I won, I won!!"?

There were a time when MS used to give us NPD numbers, Sony, never did. And the work of those leakers was almost inferences and projections from previous years.

Since MS stop doing this early this year the Gafers become our only source. They could have proved particular accurated this July when NPD numbers for the first semestre was leaked. Eventhoght we had Jan, Feb and March numbers from Microsoft NeoGaf "official" leak was given the PS4 a lead of almost 700k by July, that was off by almost 200K.

200K of in 3 months!!!

That was the oportunity to prove them right!! But they missed because they are only projections.

Oh I give up. I honestly don't know what you're trying to say here but I do know that it's made up based on your own hopes. Reminiscent of delusions, you don't change your beliefs even if you are provided with rock solid evidence that goes against your beliefs.

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