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Dark_Feanor said:
Ninsect said:

Based on your own wishes and hopes?

Yes, the same thing as anyone here and NeoGaf...

But why wouldn´t it bump?

If you like Amazon oracle you could remember that during Destiny week the XOne jumped from mids 50´s to mid 10´s and 20´s at the chart. And not forgeting that Destiny for free sold enought bundles to make it the best sell version according to NPD.

Using Bungie number we have 5mi players WW... would you give PS4 2,5mi vs 1,2mi XOne?

I just assume that the XOne free games were enought to push at least 200k other wise, how would you explain Destiny doing better on the XOne when the PS4 has a 5mi install base in the USA against 4mi (lets assume)?


Not a difficult concept to grasp. Activision has already confirmed that Destiny sold more on PS4. But keep going, this is great fun. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!