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Movies & TV - Doctor Who - View Post

I've been a fan off Classic Who since the into of Tom Baker back in 1978 in the U.S. When the reboot came around in 2005, I didn't care much for it after several tries watching. I loved Eccleston as an actor and thought he would have continued to make a great doctor, but he only stayed for one season. Tennant's portrayal as the doctor I thought was just dumb because of his manic overacting. When he became emotional, it came off as more annoying that gave me a reason to not care and tune out. But there were a few highlights such as Blink, The Empty Child, and Silence in the Library. So it was no coincidence that what brought back to the series was showrunner Steven Moffit who wrote the previously mentioned stories and Matt Smith's portrayal of the next Doctor, modeling himself after the Classic 2nd Doctor, Patrick Troughton. In fact, I've had the privilege of meeting Smith at this year's New Orleans ComicCon. It's only gotten better since Moffit has taken over, and Peter Capaldi has done an excellent job with the series as the current Doctor. If you like the first four seasons, the newest ones will make those pale in comparison.