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teigaga said:

I disagree, I think the actual harrasment comes from the threats and abuse he mentioned in the article, not someone disagreeing with a call for diversity or any other ideology. 

Well, let's put it this way. If you genuinely think doxxing and threats are a terrible thing, then you should deplore it no matter who does it. But to read articles like this, you'd think it was only flying in one direction and that Gamergate is solely responsible for all of it. The same people who are mortified that Anita Sarkeesian receives death threats don't seem to care a white when boogie2988's wife receive them, perhaps because it's not politically convenient for them to care or perhaps because they "know" that their side is good and doesn't really mean it when they make death threats while the other side is "bad" and has "harmful" and hateful views and is capable of actually carrying out murder.

When you're caught up in these things it's tempting to view that kind of thuggery as being specific to the other side and somehow tied to their innate awfulness, but in actuality it's just a part of the larger problem with internet culture (SWATting, etc.) and, really, human nature itself.