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Skyforge – New Developer Diary Focuses On “Orders of Aelion” has released a developer diary video providing a look into the immortal dwellers of Aelion and their own personal orders in Obsidian Entertainment and Allods Team’s upcoming fantasy MMORPG, Skyforge. In this developer diary Alexander Mishulin, Creative Director, The Allods Team, and Eric DeMilt, Creative Director, Obsidian Entertainment, will guide you through what the Orders of Aelion are, how to deal with your adepts and why you need to have a handful of believers in the first place. Enjoy! Continue reading


Unreal Engine 4.5 Is Now Out, Ray Traced Distance Field Shadows Showcased

Epic Games has announced that the latest version (4.5) of Unreal Engine 4 is now available. Unreal Engine 4.5 includes eagerly-awaited features such as animation retargeting, automatic C++ hot reload, light map UV generation and streaming video textures. In addition, this new version of Epic’s engine supports real-time ray traced soft shadows and screen-space subsurface scattering. Continue reading

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