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JEMC said:
zarx said:

So from all reports The Evil Within doesn't even use 4GB of VRAM. And runs fine at 60FPS...

It's build with idTech5, right?

And visually it's not very demanding, so it's not that surprising that it runs well on "regular" PCs and doesn't need the nonsense specs they listed to run it.

Well runs fine as in it doesn't actually even use 2GB of VRAM, and doesn't flake out and have any major issues in 60FPS (some 30fps locked PC ports have weird shit like animations running at double speed etc when the framerate is upped). It actually runs like shit for what it is

at least in certain parts like when you are outdoors with a lot of alpha effects like rain or fire. Aparently in smaller areas it runs fine tho. It's also aparently poorly threaded

Which makes requiring an i7 even more stupid

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