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o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

A secret society running the world in this day and age of information technology, wikileaks, and global chaos is so logistically implausible it's about as likely as Elvis being kidnapped by aliens.

and yet its happening, the preisthood is in control and has been for a long time now

lol but seriously one thing to keep in mind is that all of the technology we use now has been handed down to us by the militery after it has become relatively obsolete to them...

what does that tell you?

And yet wikileaks were able to leak countless classified and withheld documents from the military.

The idea that one organization runs the world is absolutely laughable given the logistical nightmare of doing so in the current geopolitical and technological climate, and that secrecy itself has become pretty much obsolete in the age of hacking and digital espionage.