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xl-klaudkil said:

Here's some gameplay on the fastest speed class.  It goes higher, but only in zone mode.

Anyways, as an early release game Wipeout HD looked really good, but it's really not that great looking of a  game if you compare it to what's been released a little later in the gen. 

Ninja Gaiden 2 runs 720p@60fps with and Sigma 2 runs at 1080p@60fps although includes the rare framedrop.  NG2 has more enemies at certain locations so combat makes more use of the ultimate technique, while Sigma 2 has less enemies in those specific areas and new enemies, making combat more combat oriented.

Devil May Cry 4 was easily one of the best looking games of last gen.  Ran 720p@60fps and it released back in 2008.  If developers really put any effort into developing their games, the quality would be far beyond what it is now, even on last gen consoles.