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Purple said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

It's crazy that you are stating this, for many say Nintendo's inability to deliver with their OLD IPs at Launch date was a HUGE reason why the Wii U is not selling. Granted they had New Super Mario Bros Wii U, but NSMB series as a whole are just Solid games to back up the Heavy Hitting games (Pokémon, Zelda, 3D Mario's, Mario Kart's etc).

For the Record, Nintendo Land and ZombiiU are new IPs too.

But the old IP's are there now. The only games missing are Smash Bros. and Zelda. The sales of the Wii U show that there aren't enough people interested in these old franchises.

I counted Nintendoland, which makes me think you didn't read the OP. And I don't know how Ubisoft creating one new IP somehow excuses Nintendo's reluctance to do so.

Whilst I LOVE the main Zelda series, I feel it has not innovated much since Ocarina of time. Now don't get me wrong, Ocarina was definitely one of the most innovative and seminal games ever but all it's 'sequels"(if you can call them that) have basically rehashed the same formula. Yes the Wii version of of Princess Twilight and Skyward Sword incorporated motion controls but that was dependent on physical peripherals but not an internal game mechanic. When the Wii U Zelda is finally released I don't think it will sell as well as its predecessors unless there are some new innovations. Even Skyward Sword only sold something like 3.41 million units in a month with well over 80 million Wii consoles sold whilst TLOU(a brand new IP) sold almost the exact same amount in 3 weeks on a console with less/same units sold. And we are comparing a brand new and unknown IP to a franchice that has been around since the 80s and has been lauded by the vast majority of people. That is quite telling...