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As a gamer since the early 80's, all it took was a screenshot and I could say, "This is definitely running on a Sega Master System" or "This is definitely running on an N64". You could tell simply by what each console was capable off. A SNES game looked noticeably different than its closest competitor and even the untrained eye could spot it. Show me a pic of Call of Duty on an Xbox 360 and a PS3 and I would be hard pressed to tell you which was which--even after playing it. Hell, I bought Tomb Raider Definitive as my first PS4 game and even with enhanced graphics and resolution, it was still barely better than the Xbox 360 version (once the initial gloss wore off).

In the old days, it was "This game isn't even available on your console" or "This game has a whole level that your version doesn't'. Now, aside from some exclusivity deals, it's the difference between watching a movie on Netflix and watching the same movie on VOD. The content is the same and the experience is the same. But we love to go to war over such minor differences.