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daredevil.shark said:

First of all I am a pro playstation guy. Now here are my points for OT. Please dont respond without accurate info.

1. Sony "promised" dual 1080p output for all ps3 games. In reality its impossible for ps4. They deceived us.
2. Sony promised CGI type graphics for ps3 games but in reality we have seen how it turned out to be.
3. 99% multiplats performed poorly in ps3. Example, red dead redemption was 640p in ps3 with various issues.

That games 1080p performance is like rubbing salt in the old wound. I am not bashing Sony. But stating some facts.

you could make it put out dual 1080p for a game like Pong I'm sure.  CGI just means computer generated image so it did in fact provide tons of those.  And there was no parity so they didn't have to downgrade the 360 version which is great!  Not that that means PS3 was less powerful as games like TLoU, GoW3 and Ascension, Beyond 2 Souls, and Uncharted 2 and 3 showed the superior power of PS3 when properly utilized.  The XO and PS4 however have similar architectures so there's nothing extra to take advantage of the XO is just weaker in the GPU mainly and the RAM as well.

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