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kupomogli said:
MDMAlliance said:

N64 was a totally different system from the SNES, that's not something you can dispute (especially given that the N64 was not backwards compatible).  Also, the New 3DS not only has only one "exclusive" (port), it is also the ONLY title we know about for any time in the immediate future for the system.  Also, you did not address the fact that the OS hasn't changed.  I think that's a pretty important detail.

Also, most console manufacturers continue support of their previous gen when they launch the new one, but they also focus their resources on their new gen console.  That is NOT happening with the New 3DS.  They didn't even make a whole big announcement for it.  If it were a new system, they would let people know, so that more people would be willing to buy it.  

Another thing is that you said that Nintendo usually drops support at the drop of a hat, which does seem to happen.  However, your reasoning for the New 3DS makes little sense, because the Wii U is backwards compatible, but they dropped support for the Wii "at the drop of a hat" regardless.  You can try to rationale that it's because they wanted to raise the appeal for the Wii U, but then you just contradict yourself because then that should mean that the regular 3DS should have support dropped.  Instead, we still have some relatively big titles to come for the 3DS.  

There's very little reason to think that the New 3DS is a new gen system.  Having exclusives doesn't suddenly change the generations, because it's pretty obvious the New 3DS is still in the 3DS Family (think about what generation even means).  If you want to count them separately, fine.  But the New 3DS is going to effectively be used as a regular 3DS with a handful of games that cannot be played on the original.

I've already explained the reason why the 3DS is still being supported.  The portables are usually backwards compatible so they're going to make money on old games either way.  By keeping the 3DS and New 3DS out on the market, or the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, etc, Nintendo confuses the fans who aren't die hard gamers such as you and I.  Sell them an older cheaper piece of hardware, and then when they realize that they need a different system to play games only for the newer revision, that's more money in Nintendo's pocket.  It's a scummy move, but that's Nintendo.  They've been like that since the dawn of time. 

As for not announcing the New 3DS like a new product, they have.  In Japan and Australia.  In the west where people are still regularly purchasing the 3DS, why announce something you're not yet going to release?  Iwata has already stated several exclusives were in development.  Those games along with Xenoblade could be western launch titles for all you know. 

I didn't say they didn't announce the New 3DS "like a new product."  I am saying they didn't announce it like it's an all new gen system.  The way they announced it isn't how they've announced new gens in the past.  Not only that, but even if he said there were several other games in development, that's simply not how launching a new platform works.  You usually know what other games will be coming well in advance.  The statement is extremely vague and can refer to maybe 2 or 3 other games, which could very likely be ports as well.  The New 3DS is unlikely to see launch numbers like every other new gen system before it.   I also didn't question your idea of why the 3DS is still supported.  I was questioning why you didn't even bring up the fact that the New 3DS USES the regular 3DS' operating system.  If it were a new system, it wouldn't be running the exact same OS as the previous gen.  No new gen system does that.  Can it have a similar or same architecture?  Sure, but there's no new OS at all.  There are tweaks to the OS for adjusting to its extra power, but those are mostly used for the very few exclusives, and secondary features.

edit: When I say I didn't question your idea of why the 3DS is still supported, I mean the response before my last response.  In my last response, I said it doesn't make sense because it uses contradictory logic.